The Future Is Rapidly Becoming Digital,

Developments and new applications in internet technologies also accelerate this process. Companies that use the possibilities of digital transformation are able to catch up with the age and get one step ahead of their competitors.

As Chem Media, we follow this process closely and improve the promotional opportunities we offer to companies. In this context, we are launching a channel that we think the industry needs definitely, named as Turkchem TV.

Turkchem TV will play an important role in the digitalization process of the sector with its video interviews, webinar meetings and product demos, technical presentations and factory tours.

In this context, we would like to inform you that we will be happy to conduct a video interview with you in our professional studio environment.

With this interviews, which we can share on our web portal, on our YouTube channel and on our LinkedIn accounts, we would like to convey your valuable opinions to the whole sector.